Street Fighter: Assassin\'s Fist (2014) Guarda in Alta Definizione

Street Fighter: Assassin\'s Fist

Streaming ITA CB01

Anno: 2014   Durata: 152 min

Director: Joey Ansah

Paese: Gran Bretagna

La trama: A multi-layered series that looks back to the formative years of Ryu and Ken as they live a traditional warrior\'s life in secluded Japan. The boys are, unknowingly, the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as \"Ansatsuken\" (Assassin\'s Fist). The series follows them as they learn about the mysterious past of their master, Goken, and the tragic, dark legacy of the Ansatsuken style. Can their destiny be changed, or will history repeat itself?

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Street Fighter: Assassin\'s Fist Streaming CB01 Gratis

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